Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Maria Jose Ruiz Blanco: Top 40 Things I Would Like To Do with Steve

1. Learn a new language together, maybe French or Italian.
2. Visit Egypt.
3. Travel in a hot air balloon.
4. Make homemade ice-cream.
5. Go skiing together.
6. Take ballroom dancing lesson.
7. Own a house.
8. See Emilio (and the other babies) grow up.
9. Have a garden with some vegetables.
10. Go to Philadelphia.
11. Visit Machu Picchu.
12. Plant a tree.
13. Have a pool.
14. Take our children camping.
15. Have more people over to our house.
16. Have a puppy.
17. Go back to Great Sequoia National Park.
18. Take Emilio (and the other children) to some of the places we have visited.
19. Ride our bikes more.
20. Have more picnics.
21. Own a hybrid car.
22. Make a birthday cake from scratch for Emilio.
23. Get more involved in politics.
24. Have a movie marathon of the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars.
25. Eat healthier food.
26. Live in another country for a few years.
27. Visit Thailand, Japan, Australia, Indonesia, India, and New Zealand.
28. Raise Emilio to be independent, kind and open-minded.
29. Go to Mexico.
30. Take Emilio to Six Flags.
31. Go back to China for a visit.
32. Go to Panama to visit Kathy and her family.
33. Live more simply.
34. Go to Mexico to see the pyramids.
35. Get a small tattoo.
36. At least once, wear matching Halloween outfits.
37. Visit Niagara Falls and Iguazu Falls.
38. Have more plants in our house.
39. Go white-water rafting again.
40. Grow old together.

1 comment:

rnr said...

Mari, what a great list! I hope all your dreams come true. You'll have all the material for a great memoir!