Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Maria Jose Ruiz Blanco: Top 40 Reasons Why Steve Is a Great Person To Live With

1. He fills my water bottle when I leave it on the counter empty.
2. He always lifts the toilet seat.
3. He doesn’t mind cleaning the house at 2:00 in the morning.
4. He marks the magazine articles he thinks I would like.
5. He loves me.
6. He is neat and clean.
7. He kisses me, my belly and Emilio every night.
8. He makes Emilio laugh.
9. He makes me laugh.
10. He makes me laugh even when I’m cranky.
11. He showers regularly.
12. He very rarely asks me: “Pull my finger”
13. He gets me.
14. Only once, he ate the last Dove ice-cream bar and left the empty box in the freezer.
15. He doesn’t mind that I stole his pillow many years ago.
16. He sweeps
17. He never forgets important occasions.
18. He always gives me the cherry you get on your cake.
19. He edits and proofreads all my papers.
20. He challenges my intellect.
21. He doesn’t like chocolate, so I don’t have to share it with him.
22. He is thoughtful.
23. He is not afraid of asking difficult questions.
24. He is creative.
25. He knows every song.
26. He does a great ostrich.
27. He doesn’t like cats either.
28. He likes the Daily Show.
29. He loves taking naps.
30. He enjoys watching "Friends" re-runs with me.
31. He loves taking walks.
32. He has a great sense of humor.
33. He helps me deal with my hypochondria.
34. He is the best listener I know.
35. He gets sweeter with the years.
36. He is a romantic.
37. He makes me feel like Maria in "The Sound of Music": “Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something good.”
38. He is loyal.
39. He is forgiving
40. He is my soulmate.


rnr said...

I just love that you shred this with us. It's very true, isn't it, that it's the little things that mean a lot.

Anonymous said...

Hola maria josè:
felicitaciones por tu hijo... Despues de tantos años me alegra saber que estès bien.
Quela dicha los siga acompañando, Gaby.