Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Michelle Coffey: 40 Favorite Material Possessions

1. Guitar 1
2. Guitar 2
3. Wedding/Engagement rings
4. Video of my kids
5. Pictures (prints and CDs)
6. 5 silver coins (1 troy ounce each) – from my father’s savings
7. Bookcase in the entry hall belonged to my mother’s grandmother
8. Necklace and earrings John (son) bought me
9. Gold watch necklace from my grandmother which belonged to her grandmother
10. Kerosene lamp from my grandmother
11. Grandpop and JD’s Eagle Scout pins (maybe not really mine but I’ll count them)
12. Teapot from Grandpop
13. 2 china cabinets
14. Cane bottom chair – belonged to my grandmother’s father (papa)
15. Little cane rocking chair – belonged to Gmom’s grandmother
16. The kids scrapbooks
17. Small china box painted by Aunt Margaret and given directly to me from her
18. Chinese/Japanese ancestor board
19. Foreign coin collection
20. Rock from Gpop, from Rennie, from Rennie’s dad
21. Musical instrument collection – do I get to count this as one? There are 6 I especially like:
21.1 Ipu Heke Heke (Hawaiian gourd drum that Laura played in a TGC concert)
21.2 Sardine can instrument from Steve and Maria
21.3 African drum I purchased in New Orleans
21.4 An instrument with bells that I purchased in Viet Nam
21.5 A ceramic drum made by my friend Barbara
21.6 A ceramic flute given to me by a girl from Taiwan, who stayed with us for 5 days
22. A string of bells that hung at Aunt Agnes’ back door
23. A pocketknife that belonged to my father’s father
24. A silver tea service that Grandpa got in the Navy
25. A broken gold bracelet that John Dan gave me for Christmas before we were married
26. A clay vase that Virginia made
27. G-mom’s violin
28. Silverware box – we got it for our first Wedding anniversary
29. Sand dollars I found on the Oregon coast
30. The 1976 quilt that Grandma made
31. Dining room table
32. Dining room chairs
33. Rocking chair that belonged to Grandma
34. Set of Harvard Classics books
35. Jade necklace from Grandma
36. Camera equipment
37. Old stackable glass fronted bookcase unit from the church
38. Old books of Nana’s (Mom’s grandmother)
39. Old books from G-pop
40. Painted, china tea set from Grandma

1 comment:

rnr said...

It's always significant, isn't it, that our most treasured possessions are not those that are expensive, rather they are those that evoke memories of good times past. I am always so thankful for the memories - sometimes even the bad ones.