Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Mary Ann Levy: 40 Memories of Steve's Family

1) Steve and me on top of the stopped Ferris wheel, which the acrophobic me had ridden because he wanted to and should not be alone, when he uttered the now famous line, "If my Mother knew her little boy were way up here, she'd cry."

2) Steve the first grader, after picking up Dad's sociology text and not understanding it and convinced he would never learn to read, joyfully reading the very silly sentences I wrote out for him with the letters and blends he had learned.

3) Steve deciding to take French, and no one talking him out of it.

4) Steve the lonely in Madrid pouring out his lonesomeness in a letter, not knowing that many were on their way to him.

5) Steve hitchhikes in Poland and meets John Glenn at a cocktail party, neither recognizing the other.

6) Steve narrowly escapes the carpet dealer in Morocco and spends the night hiding at the police station, at least in the version I was told.

7) Steve's Grandmom is thrilled that she can actually communicate with him while Steve is in China via email.

8) Steve drawing Grandmom out via email and assembling "My Life So Far" with his Dad for Grandmom's birthday.

9) Watching Grandmom melt over the phone the first time Steve called her Grandmom, just before Jim and Carolyn married.

10) Very young Steve playing Sancho to Jim's Don Quixote.

11) Steve recreating the famous photo of "Dad At The Alamo."

12) Steve becomming an ostrich and prompting his Grandpop to say that Steve could teach an ostrich a thing or two about being an ostrich.

13) Steve refusing to eat rice in America.

14) Steve and Jim singing the Workers Anthem while Christmas Caroling.

15) Steve dancing a jig at the home of the director of the Texas Girls Choir, after we had realized she was not at hime.

16) Singing "Ain-jels We Hev Heared An Hi" at the choir director's house. This was not a specific Steve memory, but seemed appropriate.

17) Steve, Jim and Brian doing "Riverdance" at the Emilio baby shower.

18) Steve, Jim, Lisa and Brian performing "To market, To Market To Buy A Fat Hog" in B'ville.

19) Carolyn waving goodbye to us in B'ville when no one else was there. This also seems appropriate.

20) Steve and Lisa singing, "It Was An Itsy, Bitsy, Teeny, Weeny, Yellow Polka Dot Bikini."

21) Steve and Lisa as we drove through 3000 sheep en route to the Durango Train.

22) Carolyn, Steve's mother, teaching me to polka in the woods in Colorado.

23) Carolyn, Steve's mother, being the first pregnant person I really got to know. Julie Clingman's mother doesn't count.

24) The debate about whether to put a gun on Steve's Christmas stocking or not.

25) Steve, Brian and Jim receive gas masks from John Dan at Christmas, and promptly don them.

26) Steve passing through a phase when he looked exactly like John Lennon.

27) Steve living in K-Mom's old house.

28) Steve asking his Mother at a Paschal football game if the black players were dirty and, upon her response that people came in all colors, asked her if they were also purple or green.

29) Steve at Agnes' home being chased by the neighbor's German Shepherd.

30) Steve wearing a coon skin hat - or was that Jim?

31) Steve in Madrid marries a gal from South America.

32) Steve sleeping through my second wedding.

33) Realizing that my nephew was a University Professor.

34) Nearly dropping Steve when he flopped while I carried him as he slept in Austin.

35) The house Steve and his parents lived in that was a former military housing unit.

36) The day Aunt Eva died and Steve's Dad, 'ol what's his name, had to leave his angry friend, her hysterical daughter and the policeman who wanted to confiscate said friend's gun and arrest her because she left her gun permit at home while she was angry and yelling that the policeman had upset her daughter, at the airport without knowing the outcome.

37) Jim, Steve's Dad, is afraid of cats.

38) Jim, Steve's Dad, will lie about being afraid of cats.

39) Jim, you know - Steve's Dad?, suggests that we kill my cat.

40) Wondering how on earth Steve always appears to be quiet and calm and suspecting he is anything but, comrade.

Love you all,
Mary Ann

1 comment:

rnr said...

Regarding #36 on your list Mary Ann. I had no idea I had received such notoriety. I must tell the story, setting the facts and the outcome, straight. Here's what happened.

1) I took Jim to the Midland/Odessa airport to catch a midnight flight.

2) I forgot I had my little North American Arms .22 in my handbag (it's smaller than the palm of my hand).

3) I swear that the personification of Barney Fife was on duty that night, and that this event was the most important of his entire life as a security guard in the baggage area (you could still go all the way to the gate to see your loved ones off).

4) When the scan showed my little gun, Barney reacted in a huge way. I tried to make light of it, asking them to just hold it while I went to see my friend off. Barney responded, "YOU have committed a felony offense."

5) Spreading his legs and bending a knee, he phoned to be relieved of his post.

6) I began to be a little worried, (you have to realize the climate in that small airport was a LOT different then), but I still believed I could explain my way out of the situation.

7) It was then that I noticed my daughter, a young girl (although I don't recall what year nor her exact age) standing by the wall in tears, thinking I was going to be arrested. This did make me angry.

8) I started berating the guard, saying something like, "Just look what you've done now. She's the sweetest, best person in the world, and YOU have made her cry. This is totally uncalled for."

9) You could tell he started to feel bad but was determined to see the whole thing through.

10) He took us down to the Terminal Security Office, where I was sitting under posters of the most heinous and top 10 most wanted felons.

10a) He called the FBI to report the incident. From his reaction, I gathered that they said something like "Just handle it, OK?" and went back to sleep.

11) Barney fumbled with my little gun, trying to get it unloaded. He finally handed it to me so that I could unload it. I handed it back to him.

12) He asked me and I explained why I was carrying it in the first place - I protected us one late night going home from rehearsal at Permian Playhouse and a carload of thugs tried to run us off the road. When I flashed my tiny pistol at them, they took off fast. It really empowered me that I was able to defend my girls and myself that late night.

13) Meanwhile Jennifer was still crying, watching her mom under all those most wanted posters, and I was still angry at Barney for being such a "wanna be detective/policeman" security guard.

Barney ended up returning my little pistol and suggesting that I buy a larger calibre pistol to carry.