Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Emilio Ruiz Benton: Top 20 things Steve does that Emilio loves and top 20 things that Emilio does that Steve loves

This is what Steve does:
1. He reads “The Owl and the Pussycat” to him while bouncing him on his chest.
2. He feeds him fruit cut in small pieces.
3. He carries him on his shoulders.
4. He tickles his thighs saying, ”Turkey leg, turkey leg!”
5. He bought him a book about Rosa Parks with a cool bus on it.
6. He helps him put all the toys away neatly on the shelves at the end of the day.
7. He sings “Jake, had a goose and it went around, and around…” when it’s time to brush his teeth.
8. He spins the snap beads.
9. He combs his hair often.
10. He lets him watch "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart."
11. He sings to him everyday: “When I was just a wee little boy…”;”Hush little baby don’t say a word…”; “Three legged man with a two legged woman…”;
12. He appreciates his mama.
13. He kisses him good night every night and hello every morning.
14. He doesn’t expect him to be a genius, a great athlete or perfect in any way; he just wants him to be happy, healthy and kind.
15. He finds the best baby sitters for him.
16. He IS the best baby sitter Emilio has.
17. He wants Emilio to be vegetarian because it's good for him, for the animals and for the world.
18. He walks several blocks back and forth to the grocery store whenever necessary (often, late at night) so Emilio can have milk and fruit in the morning.
19. He wants Emilio to eat healthy.
20. He shows him his love every day.

This is what Emilio does:
1. He wrinkles his nose when he laughs.
2. He imitates Jon Stewart imitating George W. Bush.
3. Laughs often: when a spoon falls, when Steve makes funny faces, when Steve gulps, etc.
4. He runs naked after a bath to show Steve how clean he is.
5. He points at squirrels, dogs, rabbits, airplanes, trains, motorcycles, busses, etc.
6. He hugs trees.
7. He likes to smell flowers.
8. He makes funny gestures with his hands.
9. He recognizes and remembers books.
10. He makes funny sounds.
11. He imitates Steve dancing by hitting his chest.
12. He hugs him often.
13. He likes to stack his books neatly.
14. He asks Steve to fold his blankets neatly.
15. He likes fruits, vegetables, beans, eggs, whole wheat bread and brown rice.
16. His first word waking up is :”dada, dada”
17. He gives Steve a chance to be a great dad.
18. He is proof of how much Steve and Mari love each other.
19. He makes him think about the future.
20. He shows him his love every day.


rnr said...

Loving, cute, funny, precious, delightful. How lucky Steve and Emilio are to have one another and you, and you, them. Thanks for sharing your love with all of us.

Steve said...

Thanks for this great list, Mari.

The latest things that Emilio has begun doing that I love:

1. Humor me with laughter when I notice that his fingernails are growing long and ask if he's going to be a guitarist. Then he adds, abruptly, "No."

2. Lick my ear.

3. Tell me there's a train behind me when there's not one. Then take delight in my complaints.

4. Have fun with me in the bathtub (now that his pregnant mama is finding it difficult to reach over the side of the tub to bathe him).

5. Give me sneak-attack hugs and kisses.